Departamentul de Rezistența Materialelor organizează, în perioada 20-21 martie 2024, o sesiune de cursuri de specialitate în domeniul Ingineriei mecanice.

Cursurile vor fi prezentate de către Prof.dr. Lluís Gil Espert, Dept. Strength of Materials and Structures in Engineering, School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrassa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech UPC, Spania, în calitate de profesor invitat.

Programul sesiunii:

Miercuri, 20.03.2024, 15.00-17.30, CA 012 ”Linear bifurcation analysis for elastic instability structures” – Buckling problems for large scale structures requires a lot of computational effort. Sotfware for this kind of analysis commonly uses linear bifurcation approach. The course wants to show the basic ideas for dealing with this kind of problems spanning from bars to other type of solids.

Joi, 21.03.2024, 15.00-17.30, CA 012 ”Experimental research with composite materials in construction” – This lecture wants to present some research experiences related to composites materials applied to construction market. Firstly there will be a short presentation about composite materials and later some applications for strengthening structures and developing new type of solutions.

Vă așteptăm să participați, aceste prelegeri fiind adresate atât studenților cât și cadrelor didactice!

Anuntul complet aici.